Take Control of your Reports and Report Management

Make generating reports easier for your teams.

Waith Reports Features

Streamline your report generating process and ensure timely delivery of reports by giving your teams.

Task Report

Utilize artificial intelligence, business intelligence, and data analytics for comprehensive task monitoring. Integrate predictive analysis to review task status and outputs efficiently. Gain insights into task performance and anticipate future outcomes.

Income Vs Expenses Report

Monitor financial performance through integrated Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Predictive Analysis. Track profits and losses while scrutinizing expenses to optimize resource allocation and enhance decision-making.

Time Log Report

Optimize time management through AI-powered integration of Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Predictive Analysis. Identify and rectify inefficiencies with real-time insights, ensuring proactive adjustments for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Leave Report

Streamline leave management with integrated Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Predictive Analysis features. Access regular reports for effortless insights, facilitating informed decision-making and efficient resource allocation.

Finance Report

Effortlessly streamline financial management with seamlessly integrated features of Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Predictive Analysis. Harnessing the power of AI, gain insightful business intelligence, analyze data comprehensively.

Attendance Report

Leverage AI-driven business intelligence, data analytics, and predictive analysis to seamlessly integrate attendance monitoring. Harnessing these integrated features, effortlessly view individual employee attendance patterns and promptly address any areas of concern.

Empower your team with Reports from Waith

No per user-billing

No per feature cost

Low learning curve

Short implementation time

Integrate with your Favourite Apps